A new map of the South Orkney Islands has been released by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) – the first UK published, ...
A new map of the South Orkney Islands has been released by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) - the first UK published, ...
Back then, it was a regional list, conceived as an objective way to determine which mountains in the Indonesian archipelago would probably be worth attempting to hike at weekends. We developed the ...
When Philip Sontag first visited Antarctica as a Ph.D. student, he brought back an unusual souvenir: a huge bag of penguin feathers. And now, after a decade-long analysis, Sontag and his ...
Sixty-two days earlier, on November 13, 2015, he’d set out from the coast of Antarctica, hoping to achieve what his hero, Ernest Shackleton, had failed to do a century earlier: to trek on foot ...
A team of Spanish scientists exploring the Antarctic seabed has detected “massive emissions” of methane, a gas with a capacity to warm the planet around 30 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO₂). The ...
This level is free of local wind and topographic effects (such as sea breezes, downslope winds etc). Some charts show geopotential height, which approximates the actual height of a pressure surface ...
- for durations up to 120 hours and areas up to 150 000 km 2 in the region of Australia where tropical storms are the source of the greatest depths of rainfall. - for durations up to 96 hours and ...
Isla R. Simpson and 16 co-authors (including L.M. Polvani): The path toward vertical grid options for the Community Atmosphere Model version 7: The impact of vertical resolution on the QBO and ...