If left to their own devices, most apple trees grow into large, globe-shaped trees, with the best fruit forming on the tree’s ...
and he favors delaying apple tree pruning until the time when the flower buds start swelling and through the start of leaf emergence. As Walla indicates, the risk of black rot canker fungus ...
All of these rusts release the bright rusty-orange spores once spring weather becomes mild and damp, often around late March ...
Spinosad was mentioned, as I recall. Also, is there a recommended fungicide for apple trees? — Jeff K. A: There are several options for controlling insects and diseases in apple trees.
It is not a male anything. This is a female chaffinch, which appears to be suffering from leucism, causing the plumage to ...
If you have trouble with fungal or bacterial diseases in your garden, Bordeaux mixture may be able to help. For example, if ...
If you're growing fruit trees, then harvesting the (literal) fruits of your labor is the most exciting part. To speed that ...
They started to plan their exit by planting apple trees three years ago ... and improve fertility through mycorrhizal fungus. Farmers also benefit from growing more than one product to sell.
The Waltham Public Library hosted naturalist Jonathan Kranz, who led a small audience through the joys and practicalities of foraging for mushrooms in New England.
There are a few common plants that are likely to attract pests into your garden - but an expert says there's no need to get ...
Launceston is the right size and pace for someone my age who no longer needs the small hours and big games and names. Any ...