The obesity diagnosis has always been controversial. Now, a new clinical definition is raising even more questions.
Osteoarthritis cases and disability among postmenopausal women have risen significantly over the past three decades, driven ...
The global number of cases of osteoarthritis, as well the disability associated with the condition, have risen by more than ...
As per the study, already almost half the world's adults -- a billion men and over a billion women aged 25 years and above -- ...
With increasing urbanisation, changing dietary habits, and rising stress levels, India must adopt a holistic approach to prevent and manage obesity.
A study reveals how gender and race influence food insecurity's impact on cardiovascular disease risk factors among U.S.
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
Weight fluctuation was associated with a greater risk for diabetic kidney disease progression among individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Obesity prevalence increased among both adults and children across all regions of the world from 1990 to 2021, and more than ...