Why does one bad moment ruin an otherwise good day? Your brain is wired to focus on the negative—but you can reprogram it.
You may think you are eating healthy and getting all the essential nutrients you need. But there is a good chance you are ...
On this LEMME TELL YOU, Lady T., Alex, and DJ Quicksilva from 92Q discuss why people watch 'disgusting' videos, an 'I won't cover for you' co-worker saga, and t ...
Some foods may have a bad reputation, but research shows that foods like eggs, full-fat dairy and even chocolate can actually ...
Manage diabetes with expert-approved diet tips. Learn how smart food choices can help keep your blood sugar levels stable and ...
With New Year resolutions in full swing and health tracking apps at our fingertips, new research reveals concerning links between health and fitness apps and disordered eating, body image concerns and ...
Nutrition deficiency in children can not only their physical well-being but also their mental health. It can affect their ...
Only a small percentage of the population actually needs to avoid gluten, yet millions have jumped on the trend. Here’s what ...
Overeating is a big problem. It's also complicated. Here are some reasons why you might overeat and what to do about them.
The causes of obesity are complex and influenced by many factors. While research has highlighted connections between sleep, eating patterns and weight gain, scientists remain uncertain of the role of ...
Some common habits such as drinking soft drinks, eating packaged foods, and more, can damage our liver without us realising ...
Making smart dietary choices and prioritizing whole nutrient-rich foods can significantly lower the risk of heart disease.