New insights into what causes the painful and disruptive symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) could offer hope for improved treatment.
A poorly positioned menstrual cup to capture monthly blood flow may lead to more serious complications than leakage alone, warn doctors in the journal BMJ Case Reports, after treating a young woman ...
With the paucity of research on effective interventions for DC, research-based guidelines cannot be delineated. Nurses play a key role in assisting older adult clients in identifying and ...
A bladder spasm, also known as detrusor hyperreflexia, occurs when the bladder muscle squeezes involuntarily without warning. In addition to pain or discomfort, the spasms can lead to bladder leakage ...
Incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine from the bladder. Incontinence can affect both men and women in any age group but is more common in women and the elderly. As the population ...
Medically reviewed by Alicen Nelson MD, MPH The navel, also known as the belly button or umbilicus, is a small, round, or ...