On February 7, 1900, Chinese American lumberyard owner Wong Chut King fell ill. When he died a few weeks later, in March, an ...
Well, believe it or not, the plague is still around. Blame fleas and the rats, mice, chipmunks, and squirrels they infect. Bubonic plague is caused by bacteria that live in fleas. If you get bit ...
Alaskapox is closely related to monkeypox and smallpox and no cases have been identified outside of the state.
Millions of rats were killed and in 2 months no new cases of plague were reported. Bubonic plague, or "the black death," had raged throughout Europe and Asia over the past centuries. In the ...
As it advances, however, the dreaded bubonic plague causes painful swellings (buboes) in the lymph nodes. Septicemic plague infects the bloodstream. Pneumonic plague, which can be passed from ...
The bubonic plague has cropped up in the US for the first time in nearly a decade. But, thanks to modern medicine, it is much less deadly than its notorious past. When 'The Great Plague' struck ...
Various causes were put forward. Today we know that there were two main forms of plague: Bubonic plague produced painful swellings - buboes. This form was mainly spread by fleas carried by rats.