You walk into a meeting completely unprepared because nobody told you about the presentation you were supposed to prepare.
Fourth grader Jamal Baylor-Ali has faced continued racial bullying at his school, prompting his parents to criticize the Hanover County school system for what they say is insufficient action.
A Plainview Intermediate parent recently took to social media to speak out about bullying incidents at the school involving his son. Jeremy Ortegon, whose 12-year-old son is enrolled at Plainview ...
The settlement ends a lengthy legal saga for one of New Jersey's longest-serving high school football coaches and his ...
The changes include granting parents the ability to view bullying and suicide prevention program materials, as well as follow ...
In a public statement. Kenneth Turnage II said he had filed the lawsuit after much consideration and “with a heavy heart.” ...
Education experts said that bullying was an age-old problem and warned it was “becoming more complex in the age of technology ...
Follow the latest news headlines from Australia's most trusted source. Read in-depth expert analysis and watch live coverage ...
The Nevada Legislature will consider a bill that would allow, with parental permission, the transfer of students who are ...
For the second time in a week, Johnston County Public Schools leaders on Thursday paused a conversation about excluding LGBTQIA+ language from the district's bullying policy.
Valentine Low previously revealed the Duchess of Sussex had been accused of bullying staff and he has a new book coming out in September.