Abstract: In this paper, commutativity- like relations between the fundamental matrix groups and the system matrices are established for high-order continuous-time and discrete-time linear ...
Abstract: In this study, we propose a local stability theory for sampled-data systems employing Lyapunov’s indirect method. Our proposed method focuses on the relationship between exact discretization ...
Mathematics is the universal language of science while computer science is the study of the hardware and algorithms that are used in modern computer systems. Since many of the early pioneers of ...
A lot of emphasis is currently placed on the need for principals to be instructional leaders or leaders of learning. In the study of the instructional leadership of secondary principals reported in ...
Gifted students are often grouped by ability, across a continuum of inclusive education provisions, in order to facilitate learning with like-minded peers. The literature on like-mindedness is limited ...
We present a layered type theory that integrates three foundational frameworks: Homotopy Type System (HTS), de Cohesive Modal Type Theory (CMTT), and Equivariant Super Type Theory (ESTT). This system ...