The Blue Blur meets The Scarlet Speedster, The Ultimate Life Form meets The Caped Crusader, The Strongest Thing Alive meets The Man of Steel! As you may have guessed, this week marks the first of ...
Flash fact! There was so much hype surrounding DC’s new title that it just became the best-selling series featuring the ...
The new four issue limited series from DC Comics will see Barry Allen travel through the entire history of DC's heroes to ...
Can the Fastest Man Alive outrun the Rogues? That’s the question in Absolute Flash #2, out in April, from writer Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth) and artist Nick Robles (Doctor Mirage). This week’s Absolute ...
We've met Absolute Batman, but what's the deal with Absolute Joker? We chat with the creators of the series to learn more ...
Fans get their first in-narrative look at Wally West’s Flash costume. However, this reveal also introduces a dark twist to Barry Allen’s legacy.