New acquaintance enjoys a lavish lifestyle on her ex-husband's dime — and seems to be judging letter writer's more modest ...
Dear Abby column highlights Midland's call for community spirit recognition after Baby Jessica's rescue, led by late Mayor ...
In response to your article on Mar. 21, I believe we owe Santa Clara County Health Officer Sara Cody a thank you for ...
It’s a combination of little things, like not posting our outings on social media as she does with other friends, for example ...
Fergie marked her 50th birthday on Thursday, March 27, with a letter dedicated to her younger self on Instagram.
Something told me he was The One. How can I get him to see that we are meant to be and not to give up on the best ...
Dear Annie: First, I just want to say how much I appreciate your columns! I always enjoy your insights. Recently, my newspaper ran the column with a letter from “Feeling Undervalued,” the ...
DEAR ABBY: I have three kids. One of them, “Jake,” is in his early 20s. He has medical issues, so he has always been babied to a certain degree. Jake has struggled with jobs, drugs, friends ...
DEAR ABBY: I have three kids. One of them, “Jake,” is in his early 20s. He has medical issues, so he has always been babied to a certain degree. Jake has struggled with jobs, drugs, friends ...
I come from the generation where that kind of thing is morally wrong, and I’m heartbroken about the whole thing.
I'm 29, and my boyfriend is 36. We met on a dating site and were together for three years. He broke up with me two months ago ...
I recently reconnected with a colleague from work. We were friendly, but not really what I would call friends. We reconnected ...