Why are tick-borne illnesses on the rise across the U.S. and beyond, and what can we do to control tick outbreaks?
Soon, we will no longer be seeing wood ticks (also called American dog ticks). It wasn’t that long ago when you couldn’t go outdoors, especially around grassy, weedy areas without attracting a horde ...
What can be done about the deer congregating in Hawley? Here's what readers and the Pennsylvania Game Commission have to say.
The research initiative comes amid a growing risk of outbreaks of diseases that spread from animals to humans. Read more at ...
It may be tempting to feed deer to “help” them through the winter. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation warns that feeding deer during the winter or other times of the ...
There are an estimated 35 to 36 million deer in the U.S. Once hunted almost to extinction, they have made a successful recovery. In some states, deer are so plentiful that regular hunting is needed to ...
Ticks are so small that it's easy to miss when they bite. But they're worth making a big deal over, experts say, because ticks can spread serious diseases. Knowing what to look for can help you ...
‘Mooch’, the white-tailed deer has become the poster child for the issues with feeding deer in Haliburton. Nicknamed by Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary founder Monika Melichar, Mooch can be seen begging ...
A hunter in Mississippi took a gamble by letting several big bucks walk in hope of bagging a big 10-point he'd been seeing ...
She said the thickets create humid areas with stable temperatures favored by ticks. "It also supports the mice and the deer, which the ticks rely on, so it can create these really large tick ...