Researchers have suspected for some time that the link between our gut and brain plays a role in the development of Parkinson ...
Increased antibiotic use can lead, seemingly paradoxically, to more problematic infections, as the bacteria evolve to resist the treatment. The answer to this antimicrobial resistance, which the ...
The probiotic-rich drink kefir may be a potential complementary treatment for Alzheimer’s disease by helping improve ...
Did you know that poor oral health can affect your heart? Many people think of gum disease as just a dental problem, but research suggests that it is linked ...
TB is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that most often affects the lungs. World Tuberculosis Day aims to raise ...
I suffered extensive fatigue that I had attributed to a COVID-19 infection. Then a lung culture found something called ...
A team of scientists has zeroed in on an enzyme that could revolutionize Lyme disease treatment. By uncovering the crucial ...
Now, researchers from Yale have found that a specific bacterium, called Enterococcus gallinarum, can move from the gut to ...
Like people, bacteria get invaded by viruses. In bacteria, the viral invaders are called bacteriophages, derived from the ...
A recent study from the University of Colorado suggests that a unique type of gut bacteria may play a key role in triggering ...
A diet rich in a variety of whole plant foods provides you with essential carbohydrates and compounds for a healthy gut ...
Researchers say that exposure to foodborne illness can also trigger autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases occur if a person ...