Read about concerns shared with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry module on procurement about the lack of nurse involvement in PPE decision making.
Several business units of Aboitiz Power Corporation (AboitizPower), together with partners from the public and civil society ...
Webster’s book is an eloquent reminder of something we take for granted: that we’re breathing. “During the pandemic,” she writes, “this forgetfulness became untenable.” The pandemic made breathing ...
It's been five years since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but it's still affecting health care, locally and nationally.
a slide-out or command box that provides easy access to PPE is crucial for rapid donning. The location and the accessibility of equipment might not seem problematic when dealing with passenger ...
She recalls donning gowns made of rain-jacket material, masks and face shields. The personal protective equipment, combined with heat coming off the heavy machinery many COVID-19 patients relied ...