The first reported use of SEMS for malignant GOO was in the early 1990s. [2] Contraindications to gastroduodenal stent placement include known or suspected enteral ischemia or perforation ...
A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed comparing esophageal stenting with laser therapy in patients with primary esophageal cancer. The personnel costs were calculated as the cost of a ...
We enrolled patients 18 years of age or older who had histologically confirmed adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, as defined according to the tumor–node–metastasis (TNM) staging system of the ...
Stents and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) treat blocked arteries and coronary artery disease (CAD). Stents are a less invasive option, while CABG is a major surgery. Your healthcare provider ...
Background: Esophageal cancer (EC) is a major global health issue characterized by high morbidity and mortality rates, with a notably low five-year survival rate. Comprehensive analyses of the global ...
Barrett's esophagus can be treated with lifestyle modifications, medications, and surgery. While prevention is undoubtedly important, there are valuable ways to avoid harmful health effects of Barrett ...
What is a 5-year relative survival rate? Where do these numbers come from? 5-year relative survival rates for esophageal cancer Understanding the numbers Keep in mind that survival rates are estimates ...
Background The Flow Re-direction Endoluminal Device (FRED) X is a next generation flow-diverting stent for treating intracranial aneurysms. Its surface modification (X technology) aims to minimize ...
What is carotid angioplasty and stenting? Angioplasty and stenting is a procedure to improve the blood flow in an artery or vein. The carotid artery is a large artery running along each side of your ...
Background Venous sinus stenting (VSS) is an increasingly performed procedure for the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) refractory to medical treatment. VSS is typically ...