In 1965, the USAF initiated the Fighter Experimental (FX) program to replace the venerable F-4 Phantom; the F-15 Eagle’s development resulted from this. The FX program would likely have started ...
The A-10 still serves the Air Force today after more than five decades in service. T he A-10 Thunderbolt II may be well into ...
TDC voted to send a letter to commissioners saying use of tourist tax dollars for project is 'unauthorized.' Back-up plan is ...
This month’s Arizona Territorial Society speaker of the month is Warren G. Tracy, a former manager of Phantom Ranch ...
Developed as a two-seater, low-wing monoplane, the Doodlebug was powered by a 110 HP Warner Scarab radial engine, which gave ...
Want your venue's music listed? Email info/photos to [email protected]. The deadline is noon FRIDAY for the following Friday's paper.
Chris Mann of NBC’s “The Voice” and the Broadway musical “The Phantom of the Opera” will perform at Westminster College.
Colorado Cures Classic — To benefit Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDFR), 6 a.m. May 12-13, The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Ave., go online ...
Although St. Patrick's Day falls on Monday this year, there are plenty of Lancaster County businesses celebrating the beloved ...
__ Another place to find that Spring Zing could be on the Vermont State University Castleton softball diamond. The Spartans ...