A truly concerned Private Sector must take a holistic view of Guyana if we are not to betray what Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham fought for. Only a retooled educational system can provide the ...
William Watson celebrated the audiobook launch of Twelve Steps for White America for a United States of America.
It is, therefore, a violation of the Constitution for the Ali Administration to unilaterally seek to impose party hegemony – or, as Forbes Burnham referred to it, party paramountcy – over the ...
On the birth anniversary of Linden Forbes Burnham at the Mausoleum, the current leader of the People’s National Congress emphasized Burnham’s dedication to reforming the educational system.
Once I am published, I will continue to write on the need for Guyana to do something for those great ones who contributed to the freedoms we have in Guyana ...
AT the height of the nation’s Phagwah celebrations, Aubrey Norton and his PNC/R released a political ad that reeks of hypocrisy and deception. It’s a classic ...
Linden Forbes Burnham, Guyana’s Prime Minister at the time, like everyone else, was charmed by the diva’s music. He even played Roberta in his Austin Princess car while campaigning on meet-the ...
WHEN it comes to Venezuela’s threats to Guyana’s sovereign territory, the Association of American States (OAS), CARICOM, the United Kingdom, Canada, the EU ...
Would the Jagans’ really approve of today’s PPP? Would Forbes Burnham or Arthur Chung? It feels like we have forgotten the struggles of pre-independence Guyana, when our country was rich with ...
Post-World War II saw increasing pressure for constitutional reform, driven by labour movements and nationalist leaders like Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham. In 1951, the Waddington Constitution ...
Instead of celebrating Guyana’s heroes against slavery and colonialism (e.g. Kofi, Quamina, Forbes Burnham, Cheddi Jagan, Walter Rodney), writers (Martin Carter, Wilson Harris, Edgar ...
Three months later, in February 1962, opposition political parties including the PNC led by Forbes Burnham, the UF led by Peter D’Aguiar and the TUC mounted street demonstrations against the ...