Antarctica, continentul acoperit de un strat imens de gheață, ascunde un peisaj dramatic, format din lanțuri muntoase, albii ...
Antarctica a fost cândva un È›inut înfloritor, plin de viață. Este greu de crezut acum, dar ascuns sub un strat de gheață gros, acel peisaj antic este încă îngropat, iar acum, mai mulÈ›i oameni de È™tiin ...
Brazilia a tăiat mii de copaci din pădurea amazoniană pentru a construi un drum ce va transporta zeci de mii de delegați la ...
Have you ever wondered what Antarctica might look like without ice? Now, a new map released this week gives us a clear view of the continent as if its massive sheet of ice has been removed ...
Antarctica is like no place on Earth. The "White Continent" has lured explorers and scientists to its stunning, ice-encrusted landscape for two centuries. Countries have tried to carve up Antarctica ...
Since Antarctica has had a large ice cap for around 34 million years, the remote islands around Iceberg Alley have seen countless icebergs pass by. South Orkney is one of these islands, and ...
1:53 B.C. technology helping monitor Antarctica’s changes Scientists around the world now have access to near-real-time oceanic data from one of the most remote places on Earth — thanks ...
Scientists have produced the most detailed map yet of the landscape beneath Antarctica’s ice sheet, providing new insight into the continent’s future. A team led by the British Antarctic ...
If you've ever wondered what lies beneath Antarctica's icy surface, then this map will blow your mind. Scientists documenting a hidden rocky world have revealed its terrain includes tall mountains ...
I feel a little awkward, because I’m still finding my way in this Antarctic armor. I’m wearing four layers on top, including three jackets, all of their hoods over my head. Thick winter gloves ...
According to an international treaty, military vessels aren't allowed in Antarctica without a scientific objective. That's what the HMCS Margaret Brooke is currently doing in the southern polar region ...
Mega-iceberg from Antarctica on collision course with South Georgia: Harbinger of things to come? Date: February 24, 2025 Source: Utrecht University Summary: It is no strange sight to see icebergs ...