Which vehicles are affected by the tax on mass in running order (TMOM or malus mass)? Here are the main rules to know. The rules differ depending on whether the purchase takes place in France or ...
What can I use to deter and get rid of slugs? Gardeners traditionally use things such as crushed eggshells, sharp sand and soot to repel slugs, but these have limited success. There are also a wide ...
Must buy: Two of my favorite species from this catalog are Berkheya purpurea, a South African “thistle” that produces showy ...
A farmer in south-west France is using a homemade trap that he claims has caught over 1,000 Asian hornets in one day, in a bid to keep the insects from causing damage. The homemade trap – made of ...
Monaco has been named the ‘Best European Destination’ by a European Commission tourist organisation, with the nearby village of Èze in 15th place, and the town of Cassis in 18th. Monaco, which is ...