In the skeletally immature hip, the ossified femoral head is small relative to the metaphysis, giving rise to raised bone alpha angles that do not necessarily reflect cam morphology (see online ...
Booth Spotlights Comprehensive Hip Portfolio, Newly Launched Knee and Upper Extremities Reconstructive Technologies, Including Recently Cleared Persona® Revision SoluTionâ„¢ Femur, and Debut of ...
Powered flight has evolved separately in three tetrapod clades: pterosaurs, birds (avian dinosaurs), and bats. To meet the challenges of powered flight, tetrapods acquired structural, mechanical, and ...
Objective: Previous research has demonstrated that metabolites play a significant role in modulating disease phenotypes; nevertheless, the causal association between metabolites and malignant ...
The past decade has seen significant advances in our understanding of skeletal homeostasis and the mechanisms that mediate the loss of bone integrity in disease. Recent breakthroughs have arisen ...
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