Welcome back to Mordor Monday, the day of the week where we venture bravely into the dark lands of Mordor—or at least laugh ...
In The Hobbit, Thorin paid little mind to the One Ring, but if he had tried to take it from Bilbo, he could have ...
As epic and serious as it is most of the time, The Lord of the Rings also has its moments of comedic gold. We won't go into ...
Some Lord of the Rings characters had key moments but vanished quickly, like The Mouth of Sauron, Háma, Madril, Grimbold, and Irolas.
Morkull Ragast's Rage é um título que soa como se alguém tivesse jogado palavras aleatórias em um gerador de nomes de fantasia. Desenvolvido pela Disaster Games ...
So, how’s this great new future working out for you then? Still no flying cars or teleportation devices, I notice. But at least we’ve got ...
Greg Mottola’s coming-of-age comedy turns the standard plot of boys worrying about their virginity status into a madcap chaos machine. Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, and Christopher Mintz-Plasse star as ...
To complete your collection, you can snag the matching Limited Edition Steelbook box set for The Hobbit Trilogy for $ ... The Return of the King's case features Mordor behind the crouched and ...
Inhabiting the corpse of Talion the Ranger, alongside his spectral pal Celebrimbor, players are thrust into a story that takes place between The Hobbit and ... swordplay in Mordor is something ...
The Lord of the Rings games brought Middle-earth to life in ways that captivated players around the world. They introduced ...