A Texas A&M Veterinary Education, Research, & Outreach (VERO) program-led research team is studying whether artificial ...
For the first time, researchers have created lungs in the lab and successfully transplanted them into pigs. These bioengineered lungs, described online August 1 in Science Translational Medicine ...
Pigs are moderately susceptible to infection with a bovine-derived H5N1 avian influenza virus but don't spread it to other ...
Recently, his group analyzed protein-coding RNA transcripts isolated from single cells and fluid collected from the lungs of PRRSV-infected pigs. They monitored immune cell alterations triggered ...
Pigs are used because they initially show a high ... Research is also being conducted on the transplantation of livers and lungs, of joint cells and islet cells for people with diabetes, as ...
A research team is studying whether artificial intelligence (AI) could play a supportive role in the evaluation of respiratory disease in pigs.
A pig’s heart beating in a human? This medical feat has already been achieved – at least for a short time. Kidneys from animals have also been transplanted. Last year, a 62-year-old man lived ...