John XXIII, who was elected Pope in 1958, called an ecumenical council ... has diverted attention away from grave matters such as clerical sex abuse, and all the surface agitation about what ...
In the early 1960s, Pope John XXIII led a series of reforms ... were elected, it could have grave consequences, potentially leading many souls astray through false doctrine.” ...
Pope Pius XII (1939–1958) during World War II and Pope John XXIII (1958–1963 ... before having the body reburied in a common grave. The grotesque spectacle shocked the Church and led to ...
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Purim and Jewish-Christian dialogue. Purim starts tonight and ...
The essentials of this teaching are expressed in these words: "No reason, however grave, can make what is ... had been set up by his predecessor John XXIII and he made a few clarifications about ...
Pope Paul VI has however explicitly bypassed the recommendations of the Commission established by Pope John XXIII (cf ... to give our reply to these grave questions” (HV 6).
In the 19th-century, Harriet Livermore boldly defended a women’s right to speak in the church and pulpit.
The 19th of March is St Joseph’s Day, which in some countries is known as Father’s Day, but who was St Joseph and what do we ...
Many Catholics do not know why they must attend Sunday Mass under pain of committing grave sin, which can put one’s salvation in jeopardy. Pope John ... retained” (John 20:21-23).
Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II ... of personal desires and instincts" (#23). Given this teaching, little wonder the Bible has grave condemnations against both fornication, "carnal union ...