Prioritize protein, it is essential for muscle repair and growth. Aim to have 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight.
Most people of average fitness levels should lift weights two times per week. Those with muscle growth and/or weight loss ...
THERE ARE FEW exercises you'll see guys doing in the gym more often than the classic dumbbell row on a weight bench. There ...
ALTON A free new outdoor workout center is officially coming to the Alton riverfront.Alton City Council members on Wednesday ...
A major benefit of doing power cleans is right there in the name: gaining power. “The whole process of running is explosive,” ...
From the ages of 22 to 33, my body went through a lot of ups and downs as I gave birth to my six children. I’d gain baby weight, give birth, lose it and feel good, then gain it back when I got ...
Throughout the movement, be sure to keep your spine straight and your hips square. A deadlift is one of the best weighted ...
T he German body recomposition is one of the first training methods to focus on building muscle and burning fat ...
Start in pushup position, then shift your right foot just outside your right hand, keeping your left leg straight. Squeeze ...
These five seated exercises burn serious calories, build strength, and keep workouts joint-friendly. Perfect for all fitness levels.
According to Ultimate Performance's Chief Personal Training Officer Sean Murphy, 'Since you are not focusing on single body parts on a parti ...
Self-control is often the art of using a bigger desire to conquer a smaller desire. Once you commit to some vast possibility ...