A shelter dog has found a forever home after heartbreaking footage of her in the shelter captured hearts across the world.
While often portrayed as mortal enemies, cats and dogs can not only live together in harmony but become best friends a 2020 ...
A woman whose death triggered a murder injury was found at her partner's home with a severe injury to her face, said to have ...
Bar worker Grace Gardner, 21, whose body was later found to contain traces of a synthetic opioid, was pronounced dead on ...
It was his adorable, wagging tail! Small dogs like Benji know exactly how to work it to get as much attention from their ...
Dog owners could face a vet’s bill of up to £500 if their daily walk leads to their pooches eating any potentially fatal plants, such ...
When you see pasta, your brain probably doesn't jump to the secrets of the universe. But for almost a century, physicists ...
That’s what many of them told Baltimore Inspector General Isabel Cumming, whose latest report is the subject of a City Council hearing – today at 4:30 – that will be live-streamed by Charm TV. Along ...
Five years ago to the week, the UK was plunged into the first of two Covid lockdowns; a response to an unprecedented type of force majeure event. The lockdowns altered lives all over the world in ...
Police said advocacy groups and area law enforcement partners from as far away as Long Island, New York provided information ...
When you see this gorgeous pup, hear the sound clip, and watch her amazing head turn you're sure to see the resemblance, too.