Arena is making a comeback with LoL patch 25.05 and while for the most part, it's very similar to before, Riot have been sure ...
Arena is back in the form of The Grand Reckoning. Riot Games have been sure to make plenty of adjustments to keep the game ...
Here’s all you need to know about Hacks in TFT Set 14.
I’m a Seraphine player, yes, I admit it. The Starry-Eyed Songstress remains one of the most controversial champions in League of Legends, attracting a decent number of players despite what feel ...
League of Legends update 25.04 introduces Masked Justice skins for Senna, Lucian, Yone, along with Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed. Champion adjustments in the update include buffs for Diana and Ekko ...
A new League of Legends update has just hit the PBE, and it features some rather severe changes aimed at putting a stop to lane swaps. The strategy has long been a point of contention in the MOBA ...
This champion gains 40% Critical Strike chance and Critical Strikes bleed for 40% of their damage over 3 seconds. Gain 15% AD and 15 AP. At the start of each round, grant a random ally this ...
Patch for Teamfight Tactics has arrived, bringing with it various tweaks to Units, Traits, and Augments, alongside a few bug ...
Looking for all of the TFT Set 14 Champions, Traits, Origens and more? Here is a list of all of them along with their Costs and ...
At first, I was sure it would be Nami, the Tidecaller. After all, you’d think it’d be something League of Legends’ resident fish-person would say. But lo’ and behold, the answer to today ...