Despite the fact that lips have extremely thin skin and do not contain a large amount of melanin, lip hyperpigmentation can ...
Depending on the cause and skin type, lip colour can vary from person to person and can happen due to many factors. Let’s ...
a hero skin care ingredient that draws water to the skin and locks in moisture, is the perfect thing to look for when shopping for new lip balms. “When included in lip balms, hyaluronic acid ...
Chapped lips? Dry skin? The coldest season of the year brings a flurry of problems. Fortunately, we've got five ways to winter-proof your skin. Step 1 to battling the elements? Bathe briefly.
It usually starts with a tingling at the edge of your lip. Painful, fluid-filled bumps emerge. Then they pop, ooze, scab over and eventually heal. Every few months, this cycle repeats. Cold sores ...