Student athletes from CREC Academy of Aerospace & Engineering brought free books and read with 2nd graders on this edition of Live. Work. Play. sponsored by RSCO.
Sales of graphic novels have doubled over the past five years, to some parents' dismay. But data shows these books can have a ...
A children’s book author stopped by Seedling Mile Elementary School to encourage students to use their imagination.
People with more knowledge tend to be better readers. That’s not proof that increasing knowledge improves reading. It could be that higher achieving kids like learning about the world and enjoy ...
In 2024, only 31% of Vermont students were proficient in their reading, according to the national assessment. The Vermont Principals Association said early years are critical to a child's reading ...
We surveyed four area bookstores about what's coming in 2025.
Also appearing at the annual WUES Wax Museum on Friday was Ohio’s own first to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong. (Photo by ...
On the final day of the 21st century, a 23-word message from a Hayden second grader will be read in Washington, D.C.
Imagine walking into a room to take an exam that you will likely fail, where the odds of success are stacked, at best, more ...
February is officially HEART month - H appy, E ngaged A nd R eading T ogether! Check out these five fabulous ways to spread ...
A longstanding partnership between the Grand Rapids Public Library and Grand Rapids Public Schools aims to to help fifth ...
New required reading "screeners" help districts understand where students struggle. In GBAPS, nearly half score low enough to put them "at risk." ...