To save a coastal wetlands, county officials worry Florida Power & Light is jeopardizing the ongoing clean-up of a saltwater ...
Geothermal energy has great potential, but it has been underused for years. Although it’s been available for over a century, ...
Hydrology experts are calling for urgent investigations into the operation of bore-fields that access fresh groundwater on Pacific islands, including Kiribati, where rising sea levels are already ...
I agree with letter writer J. David Stewart about the carbon-dioxide well, but we also must be concerned about the miles and miles of carbon-dioxide pipelines. The pipelines could go through many ...
Bigelow Laboratory scientists have advanced an exciting method for linking the activity of individual microbes to their ...
Hydrogeological studies have identified a suitable resource area in the Sherubainura River aquifer, 14km northwest ... project is readily available from shallow alluvial groundwater resources ...
the aquifers in sedimentary deposits of the Murray Basin and the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) within the low topographic landscapes; the shallow aquifers of the Darling River Basin overlying the GAB; ...
Tucked away in the rugged folds of the Ozark Mountains lies Eminence, Missouri, a town so small you might sneeze and miss it, ...
Crystal River isn’t just another dot on the Florida map – it’s nature’s masterpiece hiding in plain sight, just 90 minutes north of Tampa on the state’s Gulf Coast.
the aquifers in sedimentary deposits of the Murray Basin and the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) within the low topographic landscapes (including the Lower Murrumbidgee and the South Australian Murray) the ...
As Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley prepares to demit office today, president of Cricket West Indies, Dr Kishore Shallow has issued a statement of thanks to him. Dr Rowley has also ended his tenure ...
Economist Saul Eslake says the cap is "arbitrary" and "shallow" and that both major parties are failing to address the structural imbalance between demands to spend and the amount of money we raise.