Snails aren't particularly picky eaters, but what about milk? Discover more about snails, their diet, and if milk is harmful ...
An international team of experts has resolved long-standing questions about the evolutionary history of mollusks, one of the ...
If we ignore the fact that invertebrates don’t have teeth, then the winner in this category would go to snails and slugs, which have radula — basically a kind of mat covered with tooth-like hooks for ...
While this shell is one of their most characteristic features, slugs lacking shells belong in ... tongue-like appendage called the radula. Once food gets in their mouth, the snail’s radula ...
Lots of teeth run in the snail family tree, too; the sea-dwelling umbrella slug have nearly 1500 denticles lining their radula.
Like other land slugs and snails, banana slugs have a radula, which is rather like a tongue equipped with rows of tiny teeth, and four tentacles. The larger pair is on top of the head and serves as ...
Scientists once thought this sea slug’s bright colors were a show of aposematism to ward off predators. But it is now concluded that they are not venomous or harmful to humans. They feed on bryozoans ...
Chances are, it’s the work of slugs. "Slugs are soft-bodied animals that live in moist areas and feed on many different types of edible and ornamental plants," says Rafia Khan, PhD, assistant ...
However, experts have warned that this means you have to be careful that they don’t get munched away by slugs. Slugs are omnivorous and love to nibble away at all sorts of highly unpleasant ...
Whilst some people love slugs and snails in their garden, other gardeners may loathe them. They can cause lots of damage in the garden, such as eating and destroying crops, as well as leaving ...