Alberto Davila Aragon from Bristol, UK set a new world record by recalling 280 decimal places of Pi in one minute on Pi Day, ...
Pi belongs to a huge mathematical group called irrational numbers, which go on forever and cannot be written as fractions.
With decent algebra skills, you can manipulate Euler's formula to see that most of the standard trigonometric formulas used ...
The ACTM Math Contest has been a longstanding tradition in Arkansas for over 50 years, with SAU proudly serving as a host ...
With decent algebra skills, you can manipulate Euler’s formula to see that most of the standard trigonometric formulas used to measure a triangle’s length or angle become a snap. Calculus ...
The College Board, maker of the SAT, is trying to defend its often state-sponsored testing monopoly from an upstart ...
PENSACOLA, Fla. -- "Semper fidelis," always faithful. True to the Corps' motto, when a retired marine was faced with a ...
Geometry should instead be grouped with trigonometry in precalculus courses because these kinds of math are more naturally related, Dalal suggested. “The idea that we can just take geometry and ...
And to my credit, once you put letters in there, shockingly I improve. Calculus and trigonometry? I could scrape by in high ...