Directing sound to a specific location is difficult because of how sound waves behave. As vibrations move through the air, ...
A new invention has proven that audio can successfully be transmitted directly to a listener's ears without being audible to others around.
New audio tech uses ultrasound to create isolated pockets of sound, enabling private listening without headphones.
Ultrasonic beams fired through a 3D-printed metasurface can create localized pockets of sound that are inaudible to ...
The team tested the tech in a room with echoes to show that it can function in the actual world, such as in classrooms, cars, ...
For patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy, sonolysis is safe and results in a significant reduction in the composite ...
It may someday be possible to listen to a favorite podcast or song without disturbing the people around you, even without ...
A groundbreaking sound technology could soon allow people to enjoy private listening experiences in public spaces without ...
By combining ultrasound with a concept called nonlinear acoustics, you can create sound that stays silent until it reaches a ...
The team of researchers, led by Yun Jing, professor of acoustics, Penn State College of Engineering, precisely narrowed where ...
Learn about localized audio spots, dubbed "audible enclaves," which can be placed with pinpoint accuracy while remaining ...