Global warming is producing a rapid loss of plant species—according to estimates, roughly 600 plant species have died out ...
Researchers in Poland have found more evidence of violent cannibalism in the wake of the coldest period of the last Ice Age.
The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that began during around 1300 CE and lasted until about 1850. Average ...
Glaciers, sediments, and pollen can be used to reconstruct the climate of the past. Beyond "nature's archive," other sources, ...
Wear patterns on the teeth of skeletons found in Central Europe suggest children as young as 6 may have been wearing labrets ...
The Kostenki 11 site, located near the Don River, just 300 kilometers from Moscow, is one of the most significant Upper ...
Learn about the El Mirón cave in northern Spain, home to the unusually red bones of a buried woman and ancient carnivores ...
The Cycle of Ice Ages Ice ages don't just appear out of nowhere. They are part of a natural cycle that our planet has ...
Hundreds of vendors from dozens of countries converged in Tucson, Arizona, for the annual Gem and Mineral Show, where the ...
In this forest thick with trees up to 600 years old lives the southernmost population of the California condor (Gymnogyps ...
Understanding the Dawn of Clothing Clothing is such a fundamental part of our daily lives that we often take its origins for ...
Our devastation of nature is so extreme that reversing even a small part of it requires painstaking, quixotic efforts.