Years ago, my wife and I started a dinner group several couples, taking turns hosting once a month. It’s not about food -- it ...
Careless relative caused damage to the ornate marker honoring girl who died at 16, and now a professional will be needed to ...
Instagram influencer Abby Dowse pleased her fans with new bikini photos that left little to the imagination. Two of the ...
DEAR ABBY: We all meet acquaintances and say, “Let’s grab dinner.” We intend to follow through but forget. A while back, my ...
To order “How to Write Letters for All Occasions,” send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $8 (U.S.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
My problem is, one family member opens cards that have been left there for my daughter, and puts all sorts of cheap ...
Someone recently left decorations on my daughter's grave that stained her headstone. I was beside myself. Would it be wrong ...
Dear Abby advises a family who lost their daughter two years ago that wants to know what the rules of etiquette are when it ...
Sibling is sick of hearing them exaggerate their accomplishments and considers cutting back on time with them.
DEAR ABBY: I find myself increasingly less patient with my oldest brother and older sister. They lie incessantly about things ...
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.