Jesus teaches the primacy of the law, but it is not the letter of the law that matters — literalism is the dehumanizing aspect of all bureaucracy — but the spirit i.e. justice for all, and ...
Beautiful birds can be seen flocking to your bird feeder during the summer months - but what food is best for them? Here is a bird feeder guide for nesting season ...
Now it turns out that some birdsongs also contain a hidden world of shared language, with varying local accents and dialects ...
Greetings of spring, with daffodils smiling, speaker Kevin Reynolds made a confession... he wasn’t giving a ‘planned’ talk on ...
It is fascinating how bird behaviour evolves and adapts over decades. A famous example in the past, was when blue tits and ...
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has shared advice for taking care of our feathered friends and one food item ...
The founder of Kent Wildflower Seeds, Charlotte Denne has shared how homeowners can prepare their gardens to support birds ...
It looks home-made and is a hollowed out silver birch branch. Birds liked it immediately and it housed a family of blue tits, robins and secretive wrens. Then as if exhausted it fell off the ...
Members of the Bucks Free Press Camera Club have been making the most of the sunny weather, capturing incredible images of ...
Gardeners have been warned to check their bird boxes and feeders to ensure that their feathered friends are getting enough ...
Children from Wimbledon Common Nature Club made bird feeders from recycled materials to support birds, with guidance from London Wildlife Trust.
When moulting in the spring and summer months, birds require high-protein foods, but it's often hard to know where to begin - ...