This week (March 17-23) is Coyote Awareness Week. Coyotes are sometimes maligned and misunderstood. Yet, many Vermonters ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is encouraging New Yorkers to help do their part to prevent ...
While Niagara County’s coyotes generally steer clear of human contact, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation advises that during spring denning and pup-rearing, coyotes may ...
Our new city slickers have yellow eyes, long furry snouts and pointy ears that stand up. And boy, are they clever.
Indeed, the nuisance species page for the Kentucky Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Resources has a picture of a coyote upon it, with the warning that “…loss of natural habitat ...
"Despite that, they've been grayed out on many conservation maps even though we know that they are home to important wildlife habitat." To better understand how coyotes actually moved throughout ...
FQ: These coyotes had evolved to live in the prairies of the mid-west. When English settlers came, they took down a lot of trees and utilized their habitat for farming expansion, so there was a ...
Researchers also examined how fast the coyotes moved as well as turn angles to provide a sense of their fine-scale movement across the landscape in addition to their overall habitat preferences.