Beginning in April, cheaters will be given a one-year matchmaking ban on their first offense instead of a lifetime ban—unless ...
Fortnite's latest item shop bundles include the John Wick Bundle, Cowboy Bebop Bundle, and League of Villains Bundle. Each ...
Fortnite Ballistic debuted on December 11, 2024, and after what seemed like an eternity of rumors regarding a first-person ...
Fortnite announces that it is making several changes to the loot pool ahead of tournaments in Epic Games' popular battle ...
Epic Games will soon bring back two Fortnite skins to the Item Shop while also allowing you to unlock them for free.
Epic Games confirms all Fortnite players who were previously banned will be given a "second chance" as the studio updates its ...
If you like to play Fortnite through Xbox Cloud Gaming, you might need to plan your sessions precisely as a new change may be ...
Epic Games loves putting easter eggs in Fortnite, whether it’s a secret quest or a reference to something else. Chapter 6 – ...
New leaks claim that game time restrictions could be coming to Fortnite via Xbox Cloud Gaming, but luckily for players, there ...
Epic Games doesn't like cheaters. This has been a fact of life for a while now - those who cheat in Fortnite get Epic's ...
According to an official update from Epic Games, some players who were previously penalized for cheating will have their bans revoked in April. As part of ...
Epic Games has released an unannounced patch for Fortnite, which players will see as new update 4.57. Known issues listed as ...