VP2VI Team will be active from British Virgin Islands, IOTA NA - 023 in April 2025. Team - members of the Bavarian Contest Club, DA1DX ex DL6FBL, DK9IP, DL8LAS, DM6EE.
Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as D68Z from Moroni, Comoro Islands, IOTA AF - 007, 28 February - 18 March 2025.
The Comoros Islands are located in the northern zone of the Strait of Mozambique. They are located between Africa and Madagascar. This state is an archipelago of three large and a number of small ...
The radio station in Grimeton near Varberg on the Swedish southwest coast, together with 20 other systems of this type, formed a global radio network from 1925 onwards.
K6JO will be active as ZF1A from Cayman Islands, IOTA NA - 016, ARRL DX SSB Contest, 1 - 2 March 2025. He will operate in SO HP Category. Cayman Islands are a beautiful place to visit and to enjoy the ...
Команда VP2VI будет активна с Британских Виргинских островов, IOTA NA - 023, в апреле 2025. Команда в составе - DA1DX ex DL6FBL, DK9IP, DL8LAS, DM6EE. VP2VI. Британские ...
The radio station in Grimeton near Varberg on the Swedish southwest coast, together with 20 other systems of this type, formed a global radio network from 1925 onwards. Today it is the only surviving ...
“Glorious, blessed land” is the Sanskrit name of a little slice of Paradise on Earth - formerly known as the island of Ceylon (the name Ceilão was appropriated by the invading Portuguese), and since ...
Эльвира, IV3FSG будет активна позывным D68Z с Коморских островов, IOTA AF - 007, 28 февраля - 18 марта 2025. Она будет работать на КВ диапазонахх CW, SSB ...
Команда 5R8TT 5R8XX будет активна из Мадагаскара, в октябре - ноябре 2025. Команда - члены Italian DX Pedition Team.
For the state of Madagascar to exist in its present form, many strange and almost unbelievable things had to happen. Someday the story of the Indian Ocean island will be the basis for an exciting TV ...
Команда 4S7SPG будет активна из Шри Ланки, IOTA AS - 003, 16 февраля - 1 марта 2025. Команда в составе - SP3CFM, SP6EQZ, SP6JIU, SP9FIH.