Panning for CTAP. By sifting through the genome of K562 myeloid progenitor cancer cells, Muhar and colleagues identified genes that mediate the breakdown of proteins (green) carrying C-terminal amides ...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Eisai and Biogen’s application for IV maintenance dosing of lecanemab on January 27. Previously, the label called for biweekly IV dosing. The new ...
For each structural strain of tau fibrils, they identified amino acids without which the strain cannot form its signature ...
The X contains more genes related to brain function than does any other chromosome. “The X chromosome may be a treasure trove of genes that influence cognition, and these could be therapeutic targets, ...
I have no competing interest.
Lactylation, a recently identified post-translational modification, has emerged as important for immune regulation, tissue repair, cancer cell metabolism, and now, potentially, Alzheimer’s disease. In ...
Michael Breakspear, M.B. B.S., B.Sc., B.A., FRANZCP, Ph.D. Newcastle, Australia ...
Stop the Spread. Injecting saline into mouse kidneys did not affect the left or right substantia nigra (top). Injecting fibrils of α-synuclein ablated about half of the dopaminergic neurons (middle ...
The Amyloid—Tangle Connection. Aβ aggregates (green) hyper-excite neurons in tau epicenters and connected regions, strengthening that connectivity. This pushes tau propagation from one region to ...
EBP1 is low in Alzheimer’s disease brains, hinting at human relevance. “Our study suggests that … preservation of functional EBP1 could be a therapeutic strategy for AD,” the authors noted. The ...
Could inhaling xenon gas help fight Alzheimer’s disease? In the January 15 Science Translational Medicine, scientists led by Oleg Butovsky at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, and David Holtzman ...