Prolific rocket launch firm aims to expand Starship operations beyond Texas, which launched its first seven test flights.
National Weather Service (NWS) generally uses a three-tiered approach, consisting of outlooks, watches, and warnings.
This 1979 Skywagon has 7,153 hours on the airframe, 512 hours since overhaul on its Continental IO-550 engine, and 1,023 ...
GA pilots have shared their firsthand accounts of harrowing aviation experiences with FLYING and its readers. Those lessons ...
Check airman Dick Azzarito shook my hand with a firm grip. Both of us were grinning. After being employed by my dream airline ...
Defense officials in France have selected the Pilatus PC-7 MKX to train military pilots in the country's air and space force.
Xfinity X1 customers can say “to the moon” into their voice remote to access live coverage of the landing and mission.