MORE than £8 million of UK Government money was spent in one part of Gwent “in haste” with little planning, a top councillor ...
A local politician has returned to her roots and congratulated Usk Church in Wales Primary School on their 40th Birthday.
Monmouthshire County Council observed Covid Memorial Day on March 9 as a time to reflect on the lives lost, recognise the sacrifices made by key workers, and acknowledge the pandemic's impact on our ...
A THREE property terrace will be built on a grass bank between an existing house and an ancient woodland. The three storey, ...
Monmouthshire County Council are observing Covid Memorial Day on 9th March as a time to reflect on the lives lost, recognise ...
WYE rowers shone on dry land at the West Wales Indoor Rowing Champion ships in Lampeter. Monmouth Rowing Club's Fliss Howe, ...