Pornhub, among the largest pornography websites in the world, has blocked access in more than a dozen states over age-verification laws.
Open government advocates warned the measure would have an alarming effect on government transparency and accountability.
The 20,000-square-foot addition would cost $9 million, and would house a gymnasium, new administrative offices and four ...
The ordinance increases the penalties for violating the noise ordinance to $500, with an option for community service instead.
The Environment Department had decided to pause injections, fearing they might be harmful, but officials found the effort was successful.
The deadline has come and gone for objections to be filed against the landmark $2.8 billion settlement of antitrust allegations against the NCAA and the five largest athletic conferences.
Tens of thousands of state residents who owed money to the state agency will see their debts forgiven or will be issued a refund.
The Albuquerque Museum Foundation announced this week that it has received a major international grant of $150,000 to support one of the Albuquerque Museum's big 2026 exhibitions, Delilah Montoya: Rec ...
Councilors Chavez and Lee Garcia have said they intend to run again, while Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth and Signe Lindell have yet to comment.
The charges include conspiracy to manufacture and distribute, possession with intent to distribute and polluting a waterway.
Prison inmates were picking up trash on I-25 when they found two loaded handguns underneath tumbleweeds, officials said.
The announcement raised some concerns for a Senate Democrat, who questioned how the information gathered would be used.