In a Europe with already canceled borders, France and the Netherlands do not have a common border (the one of the old coin), and it could be said that the Netherlands does not fall into the sphere of ...
Trade routes have become the main avenue of geopolitical competition in order to control the straits, gain supremacy at sea, and therefore military and trade dominance, and critical points on them are ...
"We are appalled by the actions of the authorities, media lynching, attacks, blackmail and intimidation, and we demand that those responsible be severely punished, both those who participate in ...
The gathering of students is on January 30 at 08.30:09.30 in front of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, and departure is planned at XNUMX:XNUMX Students in the blockade objavili su detalje walks od ...
The 24-hour student blockade of Autokomanda continued. A large number of students blocked the loop at Fransch D'Epere, and they organized themselves in shifts. From half past five, the tenants of the ...
Although an increasing number of medical experts warn of the negative effects of vaping, there is still not enough scientific research This phenomenon can significantly affect the health and the way ...
The old post office building in Savska Street was demolished. The financier of the project is the company Belgrade on water, and it is planned to build two theater stages and a museum in its place ...
Handelsrouten sind zum Hauptweg des geopolitischen Wettbewerbs geworden, um die Meerengen zu kontrollieren, die Vorherrschaft auf See zu erlangen und damit militärische und Handelsdominanz zu erlangen ...
Бывший чиновник Демократической партии и министр сельского хозяйства в правительстве Мирко Цветкович давно забыт общественностью. Если ...
Das Oberste Gericht in Novi Sad verlängerte die Haft von zehn Verdächtigen wegen des Einsturzes des Vordachs am Bahnhof in Novi Sad am 30. November um weitere 1 Tage, bei dem 15 Menschen starben und ...
Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić je u obraćanju javnosti nakon vanredne sednice Vlade Srbije kojoj je i sam prisustvovao rekao da će SNS u narednih 10 dana doneti odluku da li će se ići na izbore ...
Fünf Mitarbeiter der Lira-Klinik meldeten gesundheitliche Probleme, nachdem sich aus den Räumlichkeiten ein starker Geruch einer unbekannten Substanz auszubreiten begann. Polizei und ...