If you have received Social Security benefits since before May 1997, or receive both Social Security and Supplemental Secu ...
The first round of April’s Social Security payments, worth up to $5,108 for the highest-income earners who retire at 70, will ...
The Social Security Administration says it will stall a proposed big change in rules for verifying identies of recipients ...
Advocates say requiring seniors and disabled people, some of them homebound, to seek in-person help from an overburdened ...
Social Security's payment schedule is normal in April, but recipients who get Supplemental Security Income benefits will get two checks in May.
Because of the calendar, Social Security recipients who get Supplemental Security Income benefits get one check in April, but ...
Close to 7.5 million Americans stand to benefit when April’s Social Security payment schedule kicks off on the first of the month.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is set to issue its next round of monthly payments on April 9. As part of the SSA's ...
Social Security payments are slated to go out in April as scheduled. Here's everything you need to know about the program: ...
On March 26, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reported that it is "taking proactive steps to improve the security of ...
The Social Security Administration has pushed back its enhanced identity proofing policies start date to April 14 from the ...
If you're applying for SSDI, Medicare or SSI, you can complete your claim via the my Social Security account or on the phone.