Change Labs is a nonprofit organization based in Tuba City that offers coaching, funding and other resources to Native entrepreneurs.
The complaint claims the order to remove land near Chaco Canyon from oil and gas leasing could cost residents millions of dollars in lost royalties.
With the signing of a final decree in Utah, work can move forward on developing projects to deliver clean running water to homes that lack it.
Navajo government officials sought to reassure tribal members that uranium shipments traversing the Navajo Nation have enough safeguards to keep people safe. They also say they didn’t have a choice but to allow it.
Learn how Indigitize is working to ensure every Native American student has access to computer science education.
A local Navajo actress and filmmaker is sharing her culture both on the screen and behind the scenes. Natalie Benally always wanted to be a storyteller. “I
Navajo rug weaving tradition provides cultural and economic sustenance for elders like Vina Horseherder, supported by events like Adopt-A-Native-Elder's rug show.
Energy Fuels Inc. will be responsible for these trips. The company and the Navajo Nation have agreed to allow them for the next two to four years. The company will have to make sure their trucks are up to Navajo Nation standards to keep the land and people living there safe.
Utah and the Navajo Nation have finalized a landmark water rights agreement. A state judge signed an interlocutory decree late last month to formally transfer annual water rights totaling 81,500 acre-feet of water to the Navajo Nation,
Navajo Nation officials this week addressed ongoing concerns about the recent restart of uranium ore hauling through the reservation.
“Whether it is simple ignorance or worse, outright disrespect for and harassment of Tribal citizens, ICE’s law enforcement tactics reflect an abdication of U.S. trust and treaty responsibility with Tribal nations and their citizens, and cannot stand,’’ the senators wrote in a Feb. 18 letter.
Laura Tohe, poet laureate of the Navajo Nation, is the tribe’s first. She’s published books of poetry, oral histories and even librettos for decades, often retelling 200 years of Navajo history.