Bellevue, an affluent suburb of about 150,000 on the eastern side of Lake Washington across from Seattle, has been plagued by ...
Our new city slickers have yellow eyes, long furry snouts and pointy ears that stand up. And boy, are they clever.
Ramón wanted the American dream, but now sells it ... Over the six years he's been working as a coyote, he's been in the United States "hundreds of times." Though he's never been arrested ...
Every dog has its day, and on the Upper East Side, it was a different kind of dog having its day. On Tuesday, a coyote walked into a parking garage (no, that’s not the setup to a joke), then parked ...
Loved for its charisma, versatility, and durability, the Coyote is flying the flag for the American V8, just as some rivals are dropping V8s in favor of turbocharged six-cylinder engines.
PetsPlayGround, a company specializing in pet fences, offers insight into barriers designed specifically to keep coyotes and ...
The chorus of a pack of howling coyotes is an enduring symbol of the American outdoors ... But, what happens if you actually ...