The Connecticut Beardsley Zoo is looking for help naming its baby giant anteater and opened a poll this week so fans can help ...
Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo, based in Bridgeport, welcomed a baby giant anteater in August, and is asking the public to help ...
There’s nothing quite like sitting and looking at animals with the ‘ahh ... This adorable banded anteater – known locally as the Walpurti or numbat – looks good in jailhouse stripes ...
CONNECTICUT, USA — Connecticut 's Beardsley Zoo needs help deciding on a name for a baby giant anteater, a spokesperson said on Monday. The zoo is holding an online poll to name the female anteater, ...
A giant anteater that called the Santa Barbara Zoo home for 13 years has died. Zoo staff say they noticed the animal’s behavior changing and increased her medical care for several weeks ...
Giant anteaters can grow up to 7-feet long and weigh up to 100 pounds. Zoo officials said habitat loss and other environmental factors currently threaten their population.
The female giant anteater was born on Aug. 27, 2024, and was the fourth birth of the threatened species at the Bridgeport-based zoo, according to zoo spokesperson Rowena White. The anteater was ...