An ailing 62-year-old man with end-stage kidney disease has successfully been given a kidney transplant from a genetically ...
After years of research into xenotransplantation, the field is at a turning point—yet risks and ethical issues remain ...
The research group identified 25 PERVs in pig genomes, then used CRISPR-Cas9 to inactivate all of them. They inserted the edited genetic material into pig eggs to create embryos, which were implanted ...
The latest advance in Crispr technology is a new kind of virus-free gene-edited pig. Scientists are hot on the hunt to figure out a way to transplant pig organs into humans. But a growing concern ...
Egenesis, a startup that raised $38 million in March, just successfully used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to knock out a key virus in piglets. The virus-free pigs could get us a step closer to ...
In experiments, scientists have also used CRISPR to rid pigs of the viruses that prevent their organs from being transplanted into humans. Ecologists are exploring ways for the technology to help ...
CRISPR (pronounced “crisper”) is a powerful ... Ross is placing human cells into pig and sheep embryos and hopes to combine the DNA of two species to create an almost endless supply of ...