No sun, no problem. Perk up your porch with ideas for potting our favorite shade-loving plants that will inspire your ...
Discover tips for early spring planting, including seed sowing and transplanting advice to ensure a successful garden season.
If you’re in doubt or experiencing poor germination, test a few of the seeds (10 is a good number) by wrapping them in a ...
Her true love though was growing and propagating African violets and gloxinias. It took me a lot of years before I even tried ...
Often the wounds don’t heal, and the trees end up failing. Coleus plants benefit from light pinching (tip-pruning) to keep plants compact and to remove flower buds. Neil Sperry Special to the ...
Sow celery and celeriac seeds indoors now to produce vegetable garden transplants later in spring. Sow seeds of slow-growing ...
No matter what amount of sun or shade you have in your yard, you can grow coleus. Today’s coleus is bred to grow equally well in sun and shade, in containers or in the ground. The cultivars ...
Annual farm fest at Botanical Garden in Puducherry showcases colorful flowers, vegetables, and fruits, with stalls and cultural events.
These are tough, stocky little plants that may reach 18 inches ... of a Proven Winners recipe that had ColorBlaze El Brighto coleus as the thriller plant with Maestro Gold as the filler and ...
“There are 2,000 medicinal and aromatic plants. However, a few of them are commercially profitable. Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Coleus, Lemongrass and Senna are well-suited to this region,” he sai ...