Store closures in the U.S. last year hit the highest level since the pandemic — and even more locations are expected to shutter this year, as shoppers’ dollars increasingly go to a few industry ...
Eldercide, as, as Margaret Morganroth Gullette describes in her recent book “American Eldercide: How It Happened, How to ...
It omitted the fact that the Department of Energy, the federal government's biggest expert on biological research, believes the virus behind COVID leaked from a Chinese lab conducting such research ...
I was 17, shopping for prom dresses, and ordering my cap and gown for high school graduation when the world abruptly shut ...
It's been about five years since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Australia. This is what Australia living through "unprecedented times" looks like in numbers.
During and after the pandemic, the ERC and other tax credits were big business for tax professionals. But the IRS denied bogus claims, and some cases are criminal.
The Missouri Attorney General’s Office is taking China to trial over claims it hoarded masks and other gear during the ...
Trump returns to the White House as the tenth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic once again inundates hospitals, while the last ...
College enrollment numbers are higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic for the first time in five years. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center released a report Thursday ...
With the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic fading even as the coronavirus persists and evolves, a new normal is taking shape around the world. Experts expect cases to rise again this winter.
Face masks, from medical-grade face coverings to hand-sewn fabric creations, were part of everyday life during the pandemic.
Shifts in audio listening habits attributed to COVID-19 may not end up being the "new normal" for radio as on-the-go ...