But for the rest of us, I'm still hard-pressed to see why someone would want a 500 Hz OLED display that only does 1440p. If I had the cash to pay through the nose for a new monitor I'd go for a ...
Electromyography (EMG) is a method to record the electrical activity of skeletal muscle. It uses a thin needle electrode inserted into the muscle through the skin and can be used to diagnose ...
Before the first TMS treatment, the resting motor threshold (RMT) of the right abductor pollicis brevis muscle was determined as the lowest transcranial magnetic stimulation intensity required to ...
The Intan RHD2000 chips employ an adjustable bandpass filter (0.1–2,000 Hz low cut, 100–20,000 Hz high cut ... at one spinal site was triggered from electromyographic activity (EMG) recorded from one ...